(this site taught me about what organisations are doing for rainforests, this also provided basic information) (the typical site which many use, it was quite helpful but did not provide much information other than the location of temperate rainforests) (this site gave very in depth details regarding all rainforests, i also trusted it quite a bit as it seemed like a credible site (e.g. .org) (This site was of average use, but I have previously used it before so it was one of my first options for a site on information about rainforests.) (this was one of my less favoured sites, the information was mainly concerning American rainforests and coniferous ones in detail, meaning that I did not get much information. But it provided me with ideas for some ways to reduce deforestation) (This site provided detailed information for logging and its effects, this was very helpful in many parts of the research) (this page had very basic information, much which I did not use) (this site was very helpful in the search for strategies, it also had many other links and information regarding deforestation.)
Biomes of the earth- Temperate Forests, 2006: Allaby, M (this book was very detailed and was extremely informative. However, it mostly talked about temperate forests in general; meaning there was little bits of information for me.)
Images are from google images :D
Overall this is an excellent research project. It contains a lot of highly important and relevant information. It is clear that you have a very sound grasp of the topic and have used information from a wide range of sources. Your recommendation for what should be done is both thoughtful and practical. The blog is creatively presented and shows your ICT skills. This is a really great task, well done.