Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Extent of deforestation

Deforestation is a process which is basically irreversible in a human’s lifetime; the rainforests areas affected by it are only left with a small percentage of what it originally was, as shown in figure 2. In the 20th century there was heavy logging and agricultural clearance, which was basically rubbing salt on an open wound. Due to this problem, there is a possibility of around one quarter of the earth’s species extinct within 50 years. In general all rainforests in general, are affected by this issue.
This problem is so severe that in some countries, especially Brazil, deforestation has been declared a national emergency. In a report from WWF (world wide fund for nature) it has been said that deforestation could possibly wipe out or severely damage roughly 60% of the Amazon rainforest, by 2030.

(Figure 2. a map of the current distribution of temperate rainforests in the world) (source:Wikipedia.org, scale unknown)


  1. Great description of the extent of the problem. Your map is very well chosen and you refer to it in your writing. Use of statistics backs up your writing. Please proof read your work to check for small spelling/grammar errors.

  2. You mention tropical rainforests in your writing but the picture is of temperate rainforests
